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The Audit Chamber proposes a moratorium on amendments to law 44-FZ

The accounting Chamber suggested that a moratorium be placed on new amendments to Law No. 44-FZ “On the contract system”, which regulates public procurement in Russia. This initiative came after a monitoring of public and corporate procurement practices during the first nine months of 2016, according to Kommersant. Since the adoption of this law in 2013, the text has been changed more than 30 times.

Trading is appropriate

President gives arbitration courts the right to refuse to accept claims

Vladimir Putin signed a new law, according to which arbitration courts can refuse to accept any claim that corresponds to the document posted on the official legal information portal.

Victor Petrov, Partner, Head of Litigation practice

What will happen if we drop VED prices?

The government will drop its price controls on Russian vital and essential drugs (VED), priced under 50 roubles. What will happen if the government should allow pharmaceutical companies to raise prices of affordable medicines, included on the VED list? What is to be expected after the adoption of this law? Will this lead to increased prices for drugs of mass consumption? The Pharmaceutical Business Magazine discussed these issues with experts from the pharmaceutical market.

Pharmaceutical business

Jewellery approach rather than industrial scale production

The rouble devaluation has exacerbated the problem of underutilization of pharmaceutical plants, which has emerged in Russia in recent years. New production plants began to pop up like mushrooms in the 2000s. Business people became especially active after the Pharma 2020 Programme was launched. They clearly understood the signals – the pharmaceutical market was growing at a rate of at least 10% annually, and the government intended to support this industry, and the currency fluctuations in 2008-2009 had shown how the pharmaceutical business was resistant to an economic crisis. And everything would have been good, were it not for two "buts". First, the devaluation of five years before was just a mere drill. Second, too many pharmaceutical plants had sprung up, and many of them started going idle.

Pharmaceutical Bulletin

Compulsory licensing of medicines need not involve the courts

The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) has decided on a compulsory drug licensing mechanism – “in the interest of the life and health of citizens”. The FAS is proposing to give the government the authority to introduce compulsory licenses without court approval, upon the payment of compensation to the right holder. Earlier, FAS stated that compulsory licensing was necessary to fight HIV-infection.


How to write a claim to enlist the support of the judge before a court session

Each judge considers dozens of cases every day, thousands of legal documents pass through his/her hands. Under such conditions, it is difficult for the judges to delve in detail, into the nuances, of your particular case. Many have already developed their positions during similar disputes. However, if you need to get the court to draw particular attention to the legal position of your company, you want to reverse the court practice, or just to better communicate your position, there are a few tricks that will not allow a judge to ignore your claim. All is fair in war: from printing your statement of claim on coloured paper and highlighting important parts in your lawsuit with a marker, to the development in your company of special requirements for the preparation of statements of claim for the court.

Victor Petrov, Partner, Head of Litigation practice
Company's lawyer

Ministry of Health proposes changing procedures in providing medical care

The Ministry of Health has proposed changing the principle, based on which medical care is provided. Now, during treatment, the doctors have clear standards to follow, and the agency has even proposed to make these the new "clinical guidelines"


State Duma recommends reforming procedures for procurement of essential drugs

A Deputy from the Just Russia Party, Mikhail Emelyanov, has proposed to abandon the procurement of essential medicines, based on their active ingredient. This would lead to increasing the cost of medicines for the government, say the experts.


Ministry of Health orders cancellation of drugs

Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast has instructed the regional Ministry of Health to cancel the purchase of drugs for state benefits recipients in the region, worth almost 600 million roubles. The FAS Office held an unscheduled inspection on the Protek Company, and found that the customer had combined into one lot the purchase and supply of drugs, but did not indicate a specific amount of the latter. The oblast government intends to challenge this injunction in court, whose decision will largely depend on the prevailing practice in the region, the lawyers believe.  

Kommersant (N.Novgorod)

Putin tightens requirements for arbitration assessors

Vladimir Putin signed a law to toughen requirements for arbitration assessors. The corresponding document is available on the official legal information portal.

Victor Petrov, Partner, Head of Litigation practice

Intellectual property in the light of the antitrust laws: the pros and cons

The idea of ​​expanding antimonopoly legislation to encompass intellectual property has been discussed for a long time already. We are talking here about the introduction of compulsory licensing for medicines, if these are necessary for the health of the population, and on the enactment of an antitrust law on the turnover of goods produced using a patented object. Perhaps the FAS will soon implement the initiatives developed by the draft legislation office. However, lawyers have different opinions when it comes to these recommendations.

Ways to protect information in a company

Information security is directly related to the financial well-being of a company: economizing on data protection often ends up costing quite a lot. Below, we present various methods of data protection.

Dmitriy Borodin, Project manager of corporate direction
Financial Director

Targeted college admissions programmes to get tougher

Representatives of the educational sphere are unanimous: a mechanism for monitoring the fulfilment of commitments by graduates of targeted admission programmes should be tougher. There are too many dodgers – those who have received their higher education, going to college on a specially subsidized program of the region, and then upon graduation, change their mind about working in a medical facility in their native region, and perhaps never really intended to remain there in the first place.

Medicinskiy vestnik (Medical bulletin)

The Ministry of Health is proposing life sentences for attacks on doctors

The Ministry of Health has proposed to toughen punishment for those attacking doctors, and wants them to be sentenced from 12 years to life imprisonment for such offenses. This is the Ministry’s response to frequent cases of attacks perpetrated against health workers


Lawyers evaluated the pros and cons of general jurisdiction court reforms, proposed by the Supreme Court

Vyacheslav Lebedev, Chairman of the Russian Supreme Court announced an initiative to establish separate district courts of appeal and cassation, within the general jurisdiction courts system. His proposal will be submitted at the December Judges Congress. The opinions of experts about the need for such changes are divided: some say this would be too expensive, while others believe that it is necessary to expand the independence of the courts.

Victor Petrov, Partner, Head of Litigation practice

Russia will not protect public data on clinical trials of pharmaceutical companies

On 01 January 2016, the so-called rule on data exclusivity of pre-clinical and clinical studies came into effect. Paragraph 18 of Article 18 of Law FZ-61, "On Circulation of Medicines" says that during six years after the registration of a reference drug, the abovementioned data cannot be used without permission of the copyright holder. Less than a year later, they have decided to remove this rule. Posted on is a draft bill, which introduces the corresponding amendments.

Pharmaceutical Bulletin
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