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Lawyers commented on the review of bankruptcy practice of the Supreme Court

The representatives of the legal community, at the request of the editorial board, analysed the 40-page review of jurisprudence published by the Supreme Court on issues related to participation of competent authorities in bankruptcy cases. Despite the fact that the Supreme Court’s summary is mainly concerned with the participation of the tax authorities in the bankruptcy proceedings, it also provides important clarifications aimed at making the practice of general bankruptcy more orderly, say the lawyers.

Earning money offshore

Business needs to choose – return to Russia or hide even deeper the funds accumulated abroad


Debtors started to believe in the procedure

In the Volgograd Oblast, they summed up the preliminary results of the first year of implementation of the personal bankruptcy procedure. As the experts expected, mass bankruptcies in the region did not take place.

Volgograd Pravda.Ru

The former head of the Slavyane Construction Company is declared bankrupt

The Arbitration Court of Rostov Oblast declared Yuri Pogiba, founder of the Slavyane GC, as bankrupt. The lawsuit was filed against the builder by a private individual who was owed a debt of 600,000 roubles. Claims against Mr Pogiba were also filed by the Vodokanal Company, which did not receive 12.5 million roubles for performed work, and was previously unsuccessful in having the court declare him bankrupt. According to the lawyer, this new application may well be an attempt to protect Yuri Pogiba from major lenders.

Gorod N

Cold coming from the heating network

The Concessions Heating LLC, part of the Leader Group, concluded a concession agreement with the Administration of the City of Volgograd on the transfer of the urban heating systems. However, its entry into force may be deferred. The Volga Arbitration Court resumed the bankruptcy case of the former manager of these networks – the MUP VKKh, whose property has been transferred to Concessions Heating LLC under the concession agreement. Now the creditors can challenge the transfer of these assets.

Kommersant (Volgograd)

Time to collect taxes: changes in the bankruptcy law strengthen the position of the Federal Tax Service

On 1 September changes in the insolvency law came into effect, which will change the legal powers of lenders, giving them more opportunities and expand the zone of responsibility of the persons supervising the debtor, say the experts. According to them, the main trend – is strengthening the role of the Federal Tax Service, which is becoming more experienced and a serious opponent. Debtors in bankruptcy and pre-bankruptcy states will now have to pay much more attention to their tax liabilities. Consulting lawyers and the Head of the Central Unit of the Federal Tax Service discussed other consequences of the new changes.

Cadastres written to the local budget

The Russian Constitutional Court ruled as illegal the relevant provisions of the country's basic law prohibiting local authorities from intervening in disputes between economic subjects and appraisers. The court sided with the municipalities, the budgets of which depend on property tax payments. The experts say that this will exacerbate the situation with cadastral appraisals, and the government will continue to undertake legislative measures to protect its revenues.

Volgograd Pravda.Ru

Supreme Court rehabilitated a concession as a transaction in a bankruptcy case

Judicial Board on Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court has convicted lower courts in the absence of "reasonable doubt" in the price of concessions


Business on the property of bankrupt enterprises

Property of bankrupt enterprises is put up for auction in order to pay off debts to numerous creditors and former employees. Has anyone thought about what happens to the property of the bankrupt, after it is put up for auction? The simplest answer is – someone buys it. However, things are not so simple here. It turns out that buying the assets of a bankrupt – is also a business! And a very attractive one. But at the same time risky.

The right on business

Deputies seek settlement

The Volgograd Administration has enlisted the support of the City Council for redoing a settlement agreement with creditors of MUP VKKh, whose property has already been handed over to Kontsessii Nagreva LLC (member company of the Leader Group). Lenders have challenged this procedure. Observers believe that the Mayor’s Office would not be seeking a settlement agreement, without being confident that it will not be challenged.

Kommersant (Volgograd)

Fast and cheap: lawyers argue about the various schemas for simplified bankruptcy of individuals

The law on the bankruptcy of individuals, contrary to expectations, did not become a panacea for the vast majority of debtors: during the thirteen months of its existence, a little more than 1,000 Russian citizens have been recognized as bankrupt. The stumbling block seems to be the high cost and complexity of the procedure itself. However, this situation may be reversed with the introduction of a simplified schema for the bankruptcy of individuals, who find themselves in really devastating situations. Such amendments to the law were almost simultaneously proposed by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Russian Union of Self-Regulated Organizations of Arbitration Managers (RUSROAM). compared the texts of the two bills, and asked lawyers to comment on them.

Sell and forgive

The Nizhny Novgorod company DSK-HH CJSC, member of the SU-155 Group of Companies, which entered into bankruptcy after rehabilitation of the commercial bank Russian Capital, sold part of its property to pay off wage arrears. The bailiffs sold the finished concrete slabs of the Nizhstroykom Company (contractor of Russian Capital), for which they received 68 million roubles. This allowed not only to repay the debt owed to former employees, but also to direct 15 million roubles to write-off debts to the tax service, and continue work on the completion of SU-155 residential buildings.

Kommersant (N.Novgorod)

How to convince an employee to conclude a settlement agreement

It is always beneficial to peacefully settle unfair dismissal disputes. However, it is sometimes difficult to convince the employee that it is in his/her best interests to do so. Here we present some arguments that will help persuade a former colleague to end a conflict

Trudovye Spory (Labour disputes)

What to do if the tax authorities calculated too much tax payable. How to deal with this situation. Instructions

Russia has not become Estonia yet, where taxes payable show up automatically once a year in user profile at your bank’s website, and so our entrepreneurs will periodically encounter recalculations of their payments that are due to the state budget. This is a rather unpleasant situation – a businessman not only loses money, but also feels that his good name has been tarnished. The “Secret", together with lawyers, has created instructions on how to avoid this situation, and to prove one’s case.

Secret Firmy Magazine

They are still competing for the printing house

The auction for the sale of the buildings of the Samara Printing House and the land beneath them, the winner of which was Azimut LLC, owned by Alexey Shapovalov is being challenged by the Moscow company Kapstroy LLC. The latter company also wanted to take part in this auction, but was not allowed to participate in it. We should recall that the objects were sold at auction as part of the bankruptcy proceedings of the Samara House Publishing House OJSC for 35.1 million roubles. Also at the request of Kapstroy, provisional measures were imposed, prohibiting the conclusion of the contract of sale between the Samara Printing House and Azimuth.

Kommersant (Samara)

How many OKVED codes can a company register

How many OKVED (Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities) codes can a company register? And how to determine the value of work in progress? Lawyers answer these questions.

Сollective of authors, VEGAS LEX
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